Ayurvedic massages are a legacy of our ancestors and date back some 5,000 years. Ayurvedic massage is not just a massage technique, but above all a healing method that seeks to take into account the individuality of each person.
Massages work with the energies and their balance in the body. The basis is based on 3 principles that we find represented in different ways in everything that surrounds us - vata, kapha and pitta. The Ayurveda system heals in a natural way and uses a combination of lifestyle, herbal teas, spices and aromatherapy.
Ayurvedic massages work with 100% natural oils, which are a very important part of these treatments and their effect on the skin is considered to be pivotal. Therefore, it is not entirely advisable to shower immediately after the massage, it is better to just wipe the excess oil from the skin with a towel and leave the rest of the oil to work.