The Antología show serves as a captivating journey through the history of the Black Light Theatre Srnec company. Established in 1961 by Mr. Jiri Srnec, it holds the distinction of being the world's first Black Light Theatre and, for decades, remained the sole company employing the black cabinet technique, earning global recognition for popularizing the concept.
With an impressive record of over 300 tours across 69 countries and participation in more than 90 international theatre festivals, the Black Light Theatre Srnec stands as the most extensively touring company from the Czech Republic and a prominent ambassador of Czech art on the global stage.
The Antología production caters to audiences of all ages, making it an ideal family show. Comprising eight distinct sketches, each with its own narrative, the performance encapsulates the essence of black light theatre, where visible artists seamlessly interact with objects and animals brought to life by the skilled hands of invisible actors.
Throughout the evening, spectators will witness the presentation of the oldest sketch ever created using the black light theatre technique, showcasing the unparalleled possibilities of the black cabinet. Living objects such as lamps, suitcases, violin, as well as amusing portrayals of animals like goose, fish, and horse, promise to evoke laughter, surprise, and fascination.
Former Czech Republic President Václav Havel expressed his admiration for the Black Light Theatre Srnec, stating, "Black Light Theatre Srnec is a musically organized movement of artistic objects, serving as carriers of different messages. Stirring up and mobilizing the sensitivity of the viewer, it takes them from the passivity of watching into the activity of perception..."